Evolution of Java Dependency Diagrams, from Java 7 to Java 13

The OpenJDK community is trying to modularize the OpenJDK itself in the past years, and the following Dependency Network diagrams of OpenJDK jar/jmod files can show it visually.

Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 7
Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 8

Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 9
Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 10

Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 11

Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 12

Dependency Network Diagram of OpenJDK 13

From the diagrams above, we can have the following points:

  • OpenJDK 7 and 8 is very similar, well there is a big change Since OpenJDK 9
Since Java 9, the keyword module has been introduced for the Java Platform Module System. From the dependency network diagram point of view, with the module system, there is (almost) no circular dependency between JDK library .jmod files.

  • There is slow evolution from OpenJDK 9 until OpenJDK 13, via minor changes
The reason is the community is keeping improve the moralization between JDK libraries.


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